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I.  The Board of Managers grant books for sale and donation to responsible parties upon suitable application.

II.  All requests for grants should reach the Secretaries a few days before the monthly meeting of the Board of Managers, on the first Thursday of each month.  The Committee on Distribution meet on the Tuesday previous.  Attention to this rule will often prevent long delays.

III.  The rule of the Board is, to supply all books for sale and gratuitous distribution, so far as practicable, through its auxiliaries, which are expected to do all the Bible work in their own fields.  If the auxiliary cannot furnish you with the requisite books, get the approval of its depositary or of some other officer, if convenient, to your application to the Parent Society.

IV.  For all general and national work which does not properly belong to the local Bible Societies, or which is beyond their ability to do, as for soldiers, hospitals, freedmen, etc., the Managers will make ample grants, upon proper application, to its auxiliaries, benevolent institutions, chaplains, and responsible individuals.

V.  Specify the necessary number and suitable kinds of books, and state the uses and reasons of the grant requested, with full directions for forwarding.

VI.  The proceeds of sales, after paying freight and other necessary expenses, should be punctually sent to the treasury of the Parent Society.

VII. When the books are received, acknowledge the fact; when distributed, send to the Secretaries a statement of their circulation, with any statistics and incidents which illustrate the work. For books sold, whether at full or reduced prices, return the account and the money to the Assistant Treasurer.   An urgent request.

VIII. The Board donate chiefly their cheaper publications, or such as may be most suitable for various classes of destitute readers, as for the aged, the hospitals, mission Sabbath schools, etc., etc.

IX.  Books in raised letters are granted for the blind, upon condition that after the person who receives them has no more need of them, they shall be returned to this Society, or be given to some other blind person who cannot buy them.

X.  Depositories should be gratuitously kept if possible, or if not, at as low a rate of expense as can be secured.

XI.  In selling books it will be optional with the depositaries and distributing agents to take the whole price or part of it, as circumstances may warrant, they being careful to avoid impositions and carelessness in their discriminations.

XII.  The principle of selling our books at our price-list cost charges should be carefully enforced.  The benevolent character of the Society cannot be sunk in the merely mercantile practices of charging an advance for profit, or for resale by private booksellers, upon our uniform rates.

XIII.  The American Bible Society expects that due credit shall be given for its donations by those to whom they are confided for distribution.

XIV.  Be discriminating, prompt, thorough, and generous.  Sell where you can-donate where you must.  Avoid waste, perversion, and misuse of the Word of God; and let your distribution be a work of faith and a labour of love, for the salvation of souls, and for the glory of God.