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Florence, Ala., May 27, 1868
Supt. Freedmen's Education, 
Montgomery, Ala. 

[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

Dr. Sir:
We close our schools here 1st of June, and I then wish to go to Pittsburgh, Pa. Can I have Govt. transportation?
As reasons why it seems that I should have it, I simply submit first: we, that is the Pitts. F.A. Commission have sustained entirely free schools here for two years; have distributed some $400 worth of books, most of them new, and about $1000 worth of provisions, clothing and seeds; have spent about $300 on repair of school buildings the Commission paid my traveling expenses down here last August; the expense of sustaining our schools here, for the current year, has been $1300, not counting clothing &c. distributed among the freedmen; at the close of May we shall have sustained the schools here, this year, 9 months, we having