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No. 133 Third St
Pittsburgh, Pa.
July 30, 1868,

H. M. Bush, Esqr.
Acting, Supt. Freedmen Education
Montgomery, Ala.


Dear Sir:
Your favor of June 5th addressed to me at Florence. Ala, reached me here at Pittsburgh. Giving to poor health and other causes I have not been able to make any reply-
In behalf of our Commission I now return you thanks for your kind words touching our labors in Alabama- We are now hard at work trying to provide means for carrying on our schools next year- We feel confident , not only of resuming our work in the fall, but of enlarging it, and we shall hope for the cooperation of the Bureau, in our efforts-
I regretted very much that you could not furnish me transportation North- Every cent saved to us in that way would aid us in extending our effort in other directions-
I have just made my yearly report to Rev. Jos. S. Travelli, Secretary of our Commission, in which I have alluded to promises made us by C.W. Buckley. Esqr. last year, then Supt. Education for Alabama, of assistance in the way of repairing school buildings; promises which were, for some reason or other.