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would send us three, allowing them the usual salary, ($15.00 pr month), with permission to call upon the freed people for support. 
As my wife will doubtless join me in Oct., and may assist in teaching the coming year, I suggested to Mr. Smith to allow the selection of the remaining teachers to be made through Mrs. W. and Miss McKean. Principal of the Andover, Mass Fm. Academy (when my wife graduated) so that we may not only have competent teachers associated with us, but pleasant companions; a combination most desirable under the circumstances, as you are aware. Mr. Smith also approved of this. With you concurrence I will write Mr. Smith, and have the whole matter attended to. 
I wish there might be a good school opened at Union Springs the coming year. Can you provide teachers therefor? Hadn't I better make a trip there & see about opening a school, securing a building &c? I wish there might be a good plain school house erected there. The size & importance of the plan seems to warrant the same. 
There is a Mr. Hinchie being engaged here as teacher, who wishes to be sent to Union Springs, but as he is succeeding here