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[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

Office A A Q M. B.R.F. & A. L.
Selma Ala Dec 3rd 1866

Rev. C. W. Buckley
Supt Education B.R. F and AL. State Ala
Montgomery Ala   


Enclosed you will please find vouchers for articles purchased and Labor hired to repair the building used as a Freedmens School House in this city.

Three vouchers for articles purchased  amount     $172.79
Three. Pay. Rolls for mechanics, form 15  amount  $103.25
Total  $276.04

You will also find five Reports of Persons employed which require to be approved by the General; three of which shall be delivered to Col. Beecher, with the Pay Rolls form 15. The other two to be returned to me that I may make my returns.
I have taken up and accounted for all articles purchased, on my returns of Nov 1866, as agreed upon. You will please have the order issued authorizing the expenditure, the original of which requires to be sent to me, and a copy given to Col. Beecher  By having the funds forwarded soon you will oblige.
Your Obt. Sert.
Joseph Groves.
1st Lt. & Bvt Capt. V.R.C.
AAQM. BRF. and A.L.