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to the Trustees to repair the building, or guard such property as was thought to be improperly exposed.
They have never availed themselves of either but in their absence it is believed their interests have been so far cared for that no depredations have occurred. 
During the period covered by this report there has been some correspondence in reference to leasing the College from the Trustees, the material portions of which are transmitted herewith.
The schools in the building are and have been the object of careful scrutiny by the Bureau, and of the greatest solicitude to the Colored people of Mobile, Their conduct and usefulness have, so far as known, been of the highest order. A copy of their last report accompanies this paper.
The original right above mentioned, the equitable title of the colored people to some educational facilities, the failure of civil justice, the value of these schools, the impossibility of their transfer and the want of evidence of increased security, led me to the conclusion I still hold, that it is not my duty unless so intimated in orders, to restore building to the applicants at present.

I am General,
Very Respectfully, 
Your Obdt. Servant,
Wager Swayne
Brevt. Major General
and Assistant Commissioner