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Bureau R. F. & A. L.

To Freedmen's Aid Com Of West. Pa. Eastern Ohio & West Va. 

To amt expended in the removal and re-erection of the School building at Stevenson Alabama, in Sept & Oct 1866. to wit.

J.D. Borin Lumber & Labor  $40.05
Charles [[Rolin?]] for labor 35.- 
James Morris for labor 5.- 
Wm. Walden for labor 10.50 
Wm. Matthews for labor 10.75 
Wm. Smells for labor 6.- 
Frank Lackey for labor 25.-
Lewis Jackson for labor 10.50 
Isaac Daniels for labor 30.- 
Miles Prin for labor 10.- 
Isaac Barber for labor 10.30 
Thomas D. Osborne  Nails &c 16.15 
Treppard & Co. Nashville, Materials 13.65 

I believe the above to be a correct statement of the amount paid out for the re-erection of the building above stated. The money was paid out thro' our Superintendent Wm. F. Mitchell.

This amt. however does not include the original amt. paid to the United States for the building $250. & repairs & alterations estimated at $50.- additional.

Jos. S. Travelli
Gen. Agt. F A.Com
of West Pa. Eastn Ohio & West Va.

Office No. 37 Fifth St
Pittsburgh Pa.
Dec 24, 1866.

Transcription Notes:
not a table - a list Its & not +