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no little apprehension since I have been told they contemplated at one time the removal of their church. Have been waiting for a draft or plan of the desks at Montgomery, but have not received one as yet.  Every arrival of stage or boat is watched for that educated & accomplished lady teach[[er??]]. Several have applied for tuition whom I've put off until she comes since they were not sufficiently advanced to enter my classes formed, the number of which is already greater than I can teach with satisfactory justice to the pupils.
Am of the impression, however, that by a careful & judicious classification both of us can accommodate all who my apply. I conclude by expressing the hope I may soon see her face.
I am sir,
Your obedient Serv't
Chas C. Aems

P.S. By the way, I wish you would send me those testaments. Can judiciously dispose of one hundred.