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Publishers of the National Series of School Books.
A.S. Barnes & Co.
Booksellers & Stationers
111 & 113 William St. 
Alfred S. Barnes
Alfred C. Barnes
Cor. John

[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

New York, Dec 12th 18

Capt. Buckley,
Supt. Education
Montgomery, Ala. 

Dear Sir:
I arrived here only a few days ago and hasten to fill the blanks in  your test book circular as to supplying the schools.  We shall be very much obliged if you will have the names of Joel Whity Montgomery -- Geo. L. Putnam, Mobile -- Geo.F. Stern, Selma -- Rev. Henry E. Brown, Talladega -- D. Woodruff, Tuscaloosa and M.L. Murray, Huntsville, written in, as per included copy, and transmit to the Supts or Principals of all the Schools in your State.  Marion is only 20 miles from Selma and the Supt there has made arrangements to get his books from Selma, so I gave no name for Marion.  
Pray have this matter attended to and believe me very truly yours
Mr. B. Smith
for A.S. Barnes and Co.

[[margin]] Gen Callis in No. Ala and Supt in all parts of Ala. have given hearty written endorsements of your arrangement and of the books. [[/margin]]