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La Grange Georgia Feby 28 1867
Rev. C.W. Buckley
Sup. Education Ala. 
Rev & Dr Sir:
I have at last got the school at West Pt in successful operation & herewith send you a Report for the month ending this day. I could not submit it to Mr Edmundson & Henrietta Shepherd for their operations both of whom with myself have taught the school for the 13 days mentioned ( Mr E only the last five days) & set off on this day. I have labored incessantly since last Sep to pt this school up and bless God that through your valuable assistance have at last succeeded. I had no blanks but such as I report my schools in Georgia to Mr Eberhart. If you have blanks which you prefer being filled to these send me some & I will make the Report in accordance with them The $17.00 Recd for books I retain of course my responsible to the parties furnishing them