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Uniontown March 25. 1867
C. W. Buckley 
Supt. Education &c

[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

Dear Sir
Protracted indisposition has prevented an earlier reply to your communication of 6th March. In reply, I have to say that there are already Two Schools for Freedmen taught at this place one by Henry Cannon, a freedman, & the other by Mr King a white man. Mr. Drake Supt. at Demopolis, has made propositions to both of them to place their schools on Govt. foundation - both declined the proposition, preferring to teach independent schools. Mr. Coleman informed me that his school now numbers over 50 Pupils, & that his report will be made out & forwarded as soon as I am able to ride, I will go down & inspect the School - I think it altogether probable that another year a self sustaining school can be established near the location of this school. 
Very respectfully
Yr. Obdt. Servt. 
Robt. Christian