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LaGrange, Ga, May 31st 1867

Rev C W Buckley
Sup Education Ala.
Bureau R.F. & A.L.

My Dear Sir:
As the time has come for monthly Reports of schools to be made out & forwarded, I will write you concerning the school at Bluffton Ala, (& West P & Ga) under the care of Mr Bryant Edmundson, He has built up a flourishing school of perhaps 120 regular attendents, has advanced them rapidly, labored faithfully and exerted a fine influence on the whole community, both white & colored, in so much that all opposition to the school seems to be silenced. It would be a misfortune to all, and especially to the the poor blacks for this School to be stopped. Mr Edmundson, however, cannot live on $50 per month – the amount you sent him for March & April. I had recommended $75  This is what he understood he was to get when he broke up his arrangements for the year, and at heavy expense moved his family to West Point to take charge of the School. Your vouchers for Feby were made out at the rate of $75 & paid at that rate. Besides Mr E's son