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Centre Cherokee Co Ala
August 20/67

Genl Swayne 
The Freedmen of this county, have gone to work in good earnest to erect School Houses. They have a school of some 40 scholars made up in one neighborhood near Howells X Roads; Another at Cedar Bluff, and the Teacher, a competent white man, who has long followed the business, engaged, and are building a house near this village, with a prospect of some 50 scholars. 
They are poor and notable to pay Teachers, and one proper are not able to do it for them. They desire me to confer with you, and learn, from your, if any provision has been made, through the Bureau for their relief, in whole or in part in the payment of Tuition. It is thought that competent Local Teachers can be secured.
There is a lively interest manifested by them in the cause of Education, and good of this community sympathize in the movement and give all the encouragement