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their noble efforts to educate the colored children of this city.

I cannot forbear expressing my sympathis with Mr. & Mrs. Wheeler in the pecuniary embarrassments just at this time. The social embarrassments under which they labor here, on account of their occupation, are sufficient, it would seem, to discourage most people; and when, to this is added pecuniary embarrassment, it certainly requires great patience fortitude, and faith to sustain them. I may add further, that I am sure the colored people here cannot pay enough to support Mr. & Mrs. Wheeler in their schools.

Hoping that by the weight of your influence, you may be able to aid Mr. Wheeler in the accomplishment of his object.

I have the honor to be, sir,
Very respectfully,
Your obt. servt.
W.E. Connelly.

Transcription Notes:
Im not sure if my transcription is correct on some words.Could anyone please check them? They are on following sentences. 1st sentence 7th word 2nd sentence 14th word 3rd sentence 7th,14th