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Demopolis Ala
Oct 14th 1867
Captain C.W. Buckley 
Montgomery Ala. 

[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

Dear Sir
Your recent favor informing me that no more salaries will be paid by Govt. came to hand last week I Have been sick and this is my first attempt at business 
It is a matter of regret that the old System could not be continued until a State System could become partially operative. But much good has been done and of course it now depends to a great extent upon political matters. What the future shall be in educational matters. Of course if Congress & its supporters arrange as they wish. All will be well. If we should by any possibility fail. But that is not to be contemplated, the work has gone well so far. And if those whom God has placed in this field, do their work conscientiously, the results will be right. 
My wife & her Sister Miss M.J. Knight wish to go north on a visit and I wish to go after the Elections are over. If you can please send transportation for us all also transpn for Miss Knight from this last spring has not been paid. I presume back pay will