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P.S. Any suggestions from you will be very gladly received.
Tuscaloosa, Apr 16, 1867

Dear Sir:
It is now six weeks since I transmitted to you Miss Birds' report of her school for [strikethrough] March [/strikethrough] February, and vouchers for her salary for January. Having heard nothing from you, Jeon-Linde that the letter was lost. The report for the mouth of [strikethrough] April [/strikethrough] March was [strikethrough] lost [/strikethrough] handed to Mr. Arms, at his request, and incorporated in his report. Miss Bird has resigned her place as teacher of the school, and is anxious to close the account that she may go to her house in Mississippi. I am unable to procure blanks for vouchers from any of the officers of the bureau here, and therefore request that you will be so