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Tuskegee Ala. May 17th 1867

Dear Sir,
J.H. Brown who is now employed in teaching a Freedmans School in this place Rented from me a house to teach School in. He promised to pay me 12$ per mo. for the same, commencing the 1st March last There is now nearly three months rent due which I would be pleased to have as I am very needy. I was informed by Brown that the money would be paid monthly and I supposed that he would draw the money & pay me But he now tells me that I will have to make applicaction as it will be necessary for me to sign the vouchers If I can get the money quarterly it will answer my purpose and be less trouble to you. Please send up the vouchers that I may execute and return them

Very Respectfully
John Howard
Capt. W.[[C.?]] Buckley
Supt. Education