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the matter and felt a delicacy in interferring, but knowing how sensative yourself and the General are in reference to children been excluded from school (except for bad conduct) so I very delicately requested Mrs. Hopson to allow said children to return to school. This request was denied.  I then by a note requested Miss Phelps to obtain the consent of Mrs. Hopson to allow her to receive the children in her -Miss P's- class.  Mrs. Hopson oposed this suggestion and the children are now wandering through the streets from day to day, because Mrs. Heinsen out of pure interest for the children made some suggestions to Mrs. Hopson.  My request for a school report also my argument in behalf of the two children was entirely disregarded, not withstanding I have continued a friendly feeling with the teachers and rest assured that I will carry out your instructions as far as this state of affairs will permit.  When Gen'l Swayne was here he directed me to employ two additional teachers as soon as I could obtain room for them to teach in; as yet I have not been able to obtain any thing definate in refrence to the College but have the promise of knowing soon whether it can be leased or not and what terms. Judge Thornton informs me (as he did the General) that he can furnish us with the teachers who are in every respect suitable persons.  The expelling of those children from school has convinced me of the necessity of puting the Generals direction into execution for under the present regulations it is quite essential that at least one school in the place should respect a reasonable request of the Bureau Agen or Sub. Asst. Commssr. - I write you this with a view to keep you informed as to how school matters stand in this District and would respectfully request that you write and direct me what coure to pursue in refrence to enlarging the school, employing additional teachers & co.  Correct me if my past course has contrary