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Greensboro Ala
July 27th 1867

Reve'd C W Buckley

Dr Sir
Very much to my surprise I received by today's mail my accounts for the months of "May" and "June" returned and endorsed by you "Month of "May" paid"! Now my Dr. Sir I most respectfully inform you that if you remited draft for the month of "May" I never received it! And I would respectfully suggest that if your books shew such draft and No thank you inform the Department of Mobile or rather notify the officers not to pay said draft as it never reached me. Do my Dr Sir be kind enough to book at your books and correct this mistake Mr Coker my ass't received his draft for month of May. I received Forty five dollars for the month of February through hand of Mr C L Deake: Seventy five dollars direct from your office all of which paid me up to the 1st of May and was duly acknowledged by letter Your prompt attention to this mistake will very much oblige
Your ob'tserv't
John M May
Salary for June was not rec'd by this mail

Transcription Notes:
writer uses "p" like symbol to denote double s in a word. Not sure if "ap't" should therefore be transcribed as "ass't" YES - Mr. Coker my ass't (assistant)