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At a meeting held in Studio Building, No. 8, July 12th, 1867, present, officers N. E. Branch F. U. Commission,-of Am. F. U Commission-Superintendants of Schools, and practical teachers returned from the South, - Mrs. E. D. Cheney, Rev. John Parkman, D. D., Mr. Gannett, Mr. Hooper, Miss Stevenson, Rev. Lyman Abbott, Rev. R. M. Manley, Rev John F. W. Ware, Arthur Sumner, Mr. Hoovey, and Miss Canedy, the following resolutions were passed unanimously, after a full discussion:

I. Resolved, That the necessity of maintaining and extending our work, the best interests of the Freed People, and the permanent establishment of free schools in the South, - require that, as in the Northern free school system, the communities should co-operate in their support; and therefore that, in the opinion of this meeting, no such schools should be sustained, except where such co-operation is secured. 

II.  Resolved, That this co-operation may be secured either by a voluntary subscription from the community or by a per capital tax on the pupils-payable in advance by the week, month or term; in the case of voluntary subscription, it should be adequately guaranteed before the school is established. 

III. Resolved, That where it is practicable the communities should be encouraged to organize for educational purposes, and to raise and expend the money themselves. 

IV. Resolved, That, in our opinion, the minimum raised by the community, should be one-third of the expense of the school,-but that the amount to be raised in each locality, should be determined by the society under whose direction the school is carried on. 

V. Resolved, That in the opinion of this meeting, all books should be sold at a price to be fixed by the Teachers' Committee; and that none should be given away except by special permission of the Committee. 

VI.  Resolved, That these resolutions be referred to the different Associations laboring among the Freedmen, and that they be invited to meet by delegates in conference to be held on the call of the Committee of the Commission early in September, for final action upon them.