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Office Superintendent Bureau R.F. and A. Lands.
Mobile, Ala January 29th 1867.

Rev. C.W. Buckley
Supt. Education &c
Montgomery, Ala.

Dear Sir:

I understand from Mr. Logan that vouchers made by my direction for the purchase of stove for the use of colored schools has been disapproved.

One reason of this disapproval is probably that Lieut. Logan failed to show in presenting his vouchers, any authority for the purchase of the stoves; and very likely, had he given as he should, the authority under which he made the purchase that also, would have been considered insufficient. However, as I am chiefly responsible in the matter, I proceed to give such explanation as the transaction admits of.

I. The copy of the order herewith enclosed accounts for Lieut. Logan's share in the matter, and puts the responsibility on my shoulders, where it belongs. 

II. When I assumed the responsibility of ordering the purchases of stoves and fuel for the use of schools, I did so from the fact that the schools for which the purchases were made were suspended on account of the cold weather and Mr. Branch told me they could not go on unless they were provided with some means of warning. He assured me, also, that