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any lasting good, and I am not disposed to ponder over vague and general instructions and run the risk of finally stumbling upon taking responsibility that may not happen to be provided for in the regulations governing the expenditures of the Bureau.

I have also to respectfully state that there is great need of some immediate temporary arrangements to accommodate the schools until buildings can be erected. Two suitable buildings can be readied for the purpose - one at $20.00 a month and the other at $50.00 a month. The latter building is a large warehouse, and will accommodate about four hundred pupils. I strongly recommend and urge the renting of these buildings for present purposes, as being the very best thing that can be done under existing circumstances. There is no doubt that there will be pupils enough to justify this course. It is very desirable, also, to remove the school at present - located at St Peter's Chapel - as it is not well calculated for a school house, and as there is also cause for dissatisfaction at the spirit displayed by its congregation in demanding rent for its use as a school-house. 

Will you please write me if these suggestions meet with approval. I wish to do all in my power to advance this school matter, but I reiterate that I must incur clear and specific instructions before embarking in any action.

Very Respectfully Yr. Obt. Servt.
Geo H. Tracy
Capt 15 Infty Bvt Maj U.S.A. Sub Asst. Com
B.R.F. & A.L. Sub-Dist. of Mobile

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