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[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

Pitts. July 8, 1867

Rev C.W. Buckley

Dear Sir
In my last I think I spoke of the effort we are now making to keep up our schools &c for at least another year - a matter abt. which there is still some doubt owing to the scarcity of money, depression of business &c. I presume you have rec'd. the abstract of the report which I sent you a few days ago in the Pitts. Commercial. Mr Waring has been here for some days & has fully confirmed the good opinion we had of him from his letters & from what we had heard of him. I have had a number of talks with him. It is a comfort to work with & for such a man. So far as I know the views of yourself & Gen Swayne he is just the sort of man we all want to have among the Freedmen. A soldier & a gentleman - Shrewd, modest of pleasant address - an enthusiast in education, devoted to the elevation of his race, possessing their entire confidence & yet capable of conciliating the best class of white people. Says he has never had a rude word from any of them - but many courtesies. I presume Gov Patton will remember him, tho' the Governor is so