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[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

Pitts Oct. 8. 1867
Rev C.W. Buckley
Supt Education &c

Dear Sir:

Your favor of "21st Aug" but postmarked "Oct. 2" reached me last evening.  I cannot account for the delay - & wondered what had become of you, especially as I had written you since that time mentioning the fact that an additional $50. for three months rent was due to us. In the absence of any letter I supposed that sickness or absence from home must be the reason, since I had heard from Mr. Waring that you had called on him at Florence. Poor fellow he has had a hard time of it, having been very ill nearly five weeks. He regretted exceedingly that your visit should have occurred when he was too poorly to enjoy it or to say a tithe of what he had to say. I am glad you are pleased with Waring & the work we are trying to do there. We hope in a few days to be able to procure a Colored man of Culture & a kindred spirit