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more. This was her mistake. Dr. Rust told some of our folks in Nashville that she had applied to their Com. & left the impression that she would be accepted at least so I understood it. In that case Miss Lyon would be quite out for Miss Hindman would unquestionably have the Normal class & it would doubtless be better for the people, all things considered, that she should have it. As I have said however if Miss Lyon should finally conclude to go, we shall calculate on your paying the rent. Possibly a part of the difficulty may have arisen from a desire on Mitchell's part to conciliate the whites - a thing which I am sure you regard as praiseworthy - & yet may ofttimes be done without the least sacrifice of principle. Indeed I fancy this is one of the strong points in Gen. Swayne's management. This is one of the best points about Warings doings & yet he is most uncompromising, I think on matters of principle. But we ought to be as courteous as we can. It is better every way. The example to the blacks is