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I have occasionally imposed a tax of ten cts. per. month to meet incidental expenses: but that has been like drawing teeth, & with all my Exertion nearly half the School have failed in the Payment: but understanding the Extreme destitution of So many of them I haven't been able to complain very much.
But here is something the freedmen here can do with the aid of a few liberal minded white men, purchase a lot for their School house. If they will contribute every dime they can save towards this will it not be just as good help in the end, and while they are raising the above, say during one year more, will that not be about as much as you can reasonably ask of them? --
I will try to do all I can while here to faithfully discharge the duties of my office, one of which is I suppose, to help these freedmen stand alone as soon as possible, but they seem to have an unusually poor chance here, - one so wretchedly poor. Then, too, please take into account that we've but just made a beginning, our school being only about six months old.
Please excuse my long letter. I couldn't avoid replying to you as I have in regard to the above. Please let me know your mind in reference thereto & I remain
Very truly Yours,