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[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

In accepting an order for plans for a building, I do not and can not assume any responsibility in reference to the cost of the building, while working under instructions as to its dimensions, capacity, style, etc. I can give such information as may be in my possession, in reference to all matters connected therewith, but MUST POSITIVELY DECLINE TAKING ANY ORDERS FOR PLANS, THE PAYMENT FOR WHICH SHALL DEPEND UPON ANY CONTINGENCIES WHATEVER, except that the plans be well and accurately made, and in accordance, as nearly as practicable, with the order given, as regards style and dimensions of building. 

the commissions charged for plans will be as follows, to wit :
*Plans for stores and offices, - - - - - - 2 1/2 per cent on cost.
*Plans for dwellings in a block, - - - - - - 2 1/2 per cent on cost.
*Plans for dwellings if isolated, - - - - - -   3  per cent on cost.
*Plans for dwellings if isolated, if very plain, - - - - 2    per cent on cost.
*Plans for hotels,- - - - - - - 2 1/2 per cent on cost.
*Plans for good frame churches,- - - - - - - - 2 1/2 per cent on cost.
*Plans for good brick or stone churches,- - - - 2 1/2 per cent on cost.
*Plans for good brick or stone churches, very plain, - - - 2 1/2 per cent on cost.
*Plans for School houses, - - - - - - 2 per cent on cost.
*Plans for colleges, universities, asylums, etc., if regular in plan, and plain, - 2 per cent on cost.
*Plans for universities, asylums, etc., if irregular and elaborate in detail, 2 per cent on cost.
*Plans for Court Houses in Classic or Palladian styles, and regular in plan, 2 per cent on cost.
*Plans for Court Houses in other styles, and irregular in plan, - - 2 1/2 per cent on cost.
*If several buildings in a block, a discount will be made.

The commission will be computed upon the estimated cost of the building at Chicago, except in case of a special agreement to the contrary; and all plans are to be paid for within thirty days after delivery.

If the building contemplated be of much importance, and not too far distant, I will visit and inspect the site and confer with the committee or the proprietors, charging only my necessary traveling expenses, 
if an order be given for plans.

If called to inspect the work during the progress of construction, my charges will be fifteen dollars per day and traveling expenses, on buildings costing under seventy-five thousand dollars.  For buildings costing more than this sum, or for full superintendence, special terms will be made according to the magnitude of the work and responsibility assumed.

For further information send for Hand Book of Designs.