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Brierfield Bibb Co. Ala Jan 19th 1869
Chas C. Banlett


Dear Sir:
Your favor of Dec has been received for several days and I now will reply. It is a hard business to get schools started in this county; but I am hopeful, and think I shall succeed better in the future. I have established a school of forty schollars at the Strotter in a small out house the best that can be done now The trustees have located the place to build a house about one hundred yds from the present place of the school. you ask what assistance I need-I answer for books and paper and for building houses. Out of the forty schollars there are but six that know the alphabet. We have gathered up old spelling books and the teacher has in some instances made alphabets for them in order to start. D.S. West is employed to teach at $50 per month. He is a Southern man but has always been opposed to rebellion. He is well qualified to discharge his duty is about fifty years of age. The first help we need is Primers & Spellers and it can supply me, send them to Brierfield Bibb Co. A&T River road. Care of Gen Gorgas. Also blanks for monthly report to Bureau. Address at Brierfield for the present. Respectfully B.R. Macpherson M.D.
Supt P. Schools Bibb Co. Ala