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could not even approximate the schools as they are widely scattered over the county. 

4th You will see these school reported have all been taught three months and the teachers wish me to write you that it would greatly relieve them and the Freedman if you could allow rent for the whole 3 months. I could make you out reports for April and May but thought likely they could not be received so late. If you can let me know.

5th We have never received a cent for rent or school buildings in the county yet but hope you will do something for us now. 

6 The school at Sparta Hill and the one now starting at evergreen we desire to report to you from month to month they will both be large schools now that the crops are done. 

7th The stock holders of Sparta male & female academy has appointed a commission to sell us the property Please let me know what you will do soon Also for Evergreen. 

Yours truly  Wm P Miller sup of Education for C.C. and member of B.E. 

P.S. I think we will be able to Elect Hon. Mr Buck the Republican easy in this District Wm P M.