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12.-What efforts are being made by the colored people to erect School Houses and organize schools? None. The subject needs agitating among them and the whites.
13.- Are the colored people able to conduct and sustain the work of Education among themselves without further assistance? It is very doubtful. I think not.
14.-By what means can new schools be organized and set in operation throughout your district? By lectures delivered by Supt of Ed and other sensible and benevolent men.
15.-What Benevolent Associations and Freedmen's Aid Societies are operating in your district and at what points? Pa Branch ASWC + ME Church Huntsville AMA+WSAC Athens, MESA SucDecatur;FAC of E Ohio + WOa Stevenson
16.-Answer as fully and promptly as possible, and add any suggestions that may occur to you as to how the work of Education may be most successfully carried on in your district during the coming year.
Yours Truly,
R.D. Harper
Supt. of Education.