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Report of Talladega Normal Class.

Our Normal class is made up of young people, all but two, formerly slaves, who, on account of some previous practice in thinking, are able to do service as teachers, long before they are thoroughly educated in all commons branches, or, even in the more intricate matters of any branch.

We feel that this people must be taught to read at once. Teachers for every "beat", & neighborhood are not to be found. Hence we encourage young people, of good common sense, & a little earnest manhood withal, to make haste to learn, thoroughly, how to read in the easier book, & to master the elements of a few most needed branches, as Arith, Writing, & Music, & then go out to teach a few months; thus beginning the primary schools, & getting a little money with which to return to school.

Fife of our students will make moderately good teachers this season. After reading to their teachers each