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Montgomery Ala,
September 2 67

[[3 column table]]

|[[strikethrough]] Septer 6 [[\strikethrough]]|J. B. H. Rec'd this day of C.W. Buckley Supt of Education sixty five dollars being amount due as salary as teacher from July 1st 67 to July 31 67
J.B. Healy.|   |

|Fowler and Summerville| Received of C.W.Buckley Supt. Ed. one hundred dollars in payment of salary as teacher payable to J.L.Warner Fowler & Summerville
By [[?]]|$100 00|

|Gardner S.S.| Received of C.W. Buckley Supt Ed nine dollars for repairs on school house at Greenville Al. Sam L. Gardner| $9 00|

|Sept 2nd 67|Received of C.W. Buckley Supt Education forty dollars amount due as salary as teacher colored school at Greenville in August 67 Emma A Claney| 40 00|

|Sept 2 67| Rec'd of C.W. Buckley Supt of Education one hundred and thirty dollars amount due as salary as teacher to date Wm P.M.  Gilbert| 130 00|
|Sept 3rd 67| Received of C.W. Buckley Supt Education forty dollars to be placed to the credit of C.C. Dickerson Jos Ephaters |40 00|

|Sept 3d 67| Received of C.W. Buckley Supt Education one hundred and  twelve dollars ($112.00) in full payment of services rendered in repairing |   |


[[3 column table]]

|   |school house
Witness E Morgan Jr
Alford his X mark Hall|   |
Received of C.W. Buckley Supt. Education thirty dollars ($30.00) same being the amount of salary for month of July 1867, as teacher of colored school at Troy Pike Co Ala 
Witness W.R. Hobb.
John his X mark [[Miley? Wiley?]]
[[Per?]] John Hobder| $30 00|

|Oct 3rd| Received of C.W. Buckley Supt Education twenty dollars in part payment of July Salary of Geo. Mutch as per his order Jam S. Harris| $20 00|

|Oct 3rd | Received of C.W. Buckley Supt Ed. Forty dollars the same being amount of salary due for July as teacher. David P Lumpkin| 40 00|

|Oct 4 | Received of C.W. Buckley Supt Ed Eleven dollars and twenty five (11.25) cents the same being amount due for materials furnished Bureau in Sept 4 67 J.O. Patton|   |

|Oct 4 1867|Received of C.W. Buckley. Sept Ed one hundred and twenty dollars ($120.00) the same being amount due for rent of school house for freedmen in Aug and Sept 67 Barnett Macon & Co By Strasford|   |

|Oct 4 | Received of C.W. Buckley Supt Ed. Sixteen dollars ($16.00) the same being amount due for rent of freedmens School house in July and August 1867. E.S. Grover. |   |