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[[ 6 columned table ]]
| Name | When Paid | Location | What For | Period | $  |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| G.R. Tally | May 11th | Autaugaville | Rent | Feby, Mrch, & April | 15 00|

Memoranda of Vouchers Approved at this office 

[[ 6 columned table ]]
| Name | Time | Location | Purpose | Time for | Amt | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |  

| Barnet and Micow | Jany 28th 1868 | Montgomery | Rent S. room | December 1867 | $ 50.00  Paid |
| C C Dickinson | January 29th | Mulbery P.O. Antauga Co. | Rent School room | December | 10 00  Paid |
|M. B. Badger| Febry 1st| Gainsville Ala| Salary for Aug & Sep.| 1867| $100.00 Paid|
|C P Wheeler| Febry 8th| Eufaula Ala| Rent for January| 1868| 25 00|
|Mrs J.C. Averey| Febry 10| Tuskaloosa Ala| Rent for January| 1868| 12 50|
|W J Ewing| Febry 10| Gadsden Ala| Rent for July & Aug| 1867| 20.00 Paid|
|A W McCulloug| Febry 10| Huntsville| Rent for Nov. 16th Jany 31st| 1868| 25 00|
|R.A. Forsyth| Febry 12th| Girard, Ala.| Rent for Aug 1st 1867 to Janry 31st| 1868| 75 00 Paid|
|G N Wright| Febry 15th| Selma Ala| Rent for Jany 1868|   |30 00|
|Alexander Jarvis| Mr Buckley| Eutaw Ala | Rent from April 1st to | Dec 1st 1867| 100.00 Paid|
|Ben H Jones| Febray 17th| Meadow & Monday Streets Mobile| Rent from January 1868|   |16.66|
|Abel Tatum| Mr Buckley| Cotton Valley| Salary as teacher| for Aug 1867| 50.00 Paid|
|T.B. Trammel| Mr Buckly| Fredonia, Ala| Salary as teacher| July & Aug.| 100 00 Paid|

Transcription Notes:
not complete