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Table showing expenditures for School Purposes in Alabama from October 1st 1865 to February 1870

[[11 columned table]]
| Nature of Payment | From Oct 1st 1865 to Sept 30 1868 Dolls | From Oct 1st 1865 to Sept 30 1868 cts | From Sep 30 1868 to June 30 1869 Dolls | From Sep 30 1868 to June 30 1869 cts | From June 30, 69 to Dec 31st 69 Dolls | From June 30, 69 to Dec 31st 69 cts | From Dec 31st 69 to Feb 1870 Dolls | From Dec 31st 69 to Feb 1870 cts | Total Dolls | Total cts |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| For School Buildings including rent repair & construction | 58982 | 05 | 28821 | 57 | * 25722 | 75 | * 2771 | 25 | 116297 | 62 |

| For Salaries of Teachers | 34846 | 56 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 34846 | 56 |

| For Transportation of Teachers | 1307 | 48 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 1307 | 48 |

| For School Books | 71 | 87 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 71 | 87 |

| For Transportation of School Books | 6 | 31 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 6 | 31 |

| For Supt & Asst Supt Schools. | 2890 | 81 | 1520 | 45 |    |   |   |   | 4411 | 26 | 
| Totals | $98105 | 08 | $30342 | 02 | $25.722 | 75 | $2771 | 25 | $150365 | 72 |

Amount expended from Oct 1st 1865 to Sep 30, 1868.  $98,105.08
Amount expended from Sep 30 1868 to June 30, 1869  30.342.02
Amount expended from June 30 '69 to Dec 31st 1869  25 722.75
Amount expended from Dec 31st '69 to Feb 1870  2 771.25
Total expended from Oct 1st 1865 to Feb. 1870  $150.941.10

* Claims forwarded to Genl Balloch