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This agreement made this 23 day of April 1870 between J.S. Powell of La Fayette Ala of the one part and Edwin Beecher Supt of Education for the State of Ala Bu F & A L of the second part.
Witnesseth. That the said party of the first part for the consideration herein of the named hereby agrees to furnish all utensils and perform the labor in constructing a school building for the exclusiveness of Freedmen of the County of Chambers in the State of Ala. and in Township 21. Said house shall be erected on a four acre lot known and described in the Deed to the same and in the specifications hereto attached and shall be of the size and [[?]] and materials named in specifications hereto attached, which specifications are adopted by said parties and are to be taken as a fact of this contract. All the materials to be used in said building shall be of good quality and the wall to be done in a good and workmanlike manner the work on said building to commence as soon as this contract is approved by the Com'r of the Bu R F & A L and to be completed in two months thereafter.
In consideration of the foregoing the said party of the second part who contracts for and in behalf of the United States agrees to pay to said party of the first part the sum of Two hundred dollars in manner & form as follows, in the furnishing of materials for said building or furnishing labor to the value of Two hundred dollars the said party of the second part shall pay or cause to be paid to the said first party the sum of One hundred and fifty dollars. and have the further delivery of materials as furnishing labor of the value of One hundred dollars the second party shall pay the further sum of fifty dollars and until the full sum of Two hundred dollars has been paid. And it is expressly agreed that an no Members of Congress shall become interested or receive any benefit in the contract nor be in anyway or manner directly or indirectly interested
In testimony whereof the said parties have hereunto set their hand and seals the day and year first above written.

(Sgd) J.S. Powell (Seal)
(Sgd) Edwin Beecher (Seal)
Supt of Ed for Ala Bu R F & A L
A true Copy 

Supt of Education

Transcription Notes:
"A true copy" - not a duplicate.