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Articles of agreement entered into at Huntsville Alabama on this 4th day of May A.D 1869, between Richard S. Rust party of the first part and J.N. Conner, P.H. Wood and Pinckney W Irby, partners herein as Conner Wood and Irby party of the second part.

Witnesseth; That said Conner, Wood and Irby of second part, hereby agree to construct a school building in the manner of and according to the specifications of said building in all the details therein as hereto attached as a part of this contract and marked with the signature of the parties to this contract as a mark of identification and that said building shall be completed according to said plan and specifications aforesaid on or before the first day of September A.D. 1869. And the said Richard S. Rust party of the second part for and in consideration of the construction aforesaid, the sum of Five thousand seven hundred and fifty Dollars (%5750.) in manner as follows, to wit:- The sum of Seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.) in hand at this date and whenever the sum of Five hundred dollars or more shall have been expended by said builders in labor or material upon the lot where said building is to be constructed, and upon said building, on forwarding a statement of said expenditure verified by affidavit of one of said builders to said Richard S. Rust party of the first part he shall on receipt thereof, without delay pay over to 

Transcription Notes:
Irby in contract but signed as Erby on next page