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pupils made in accordance with plan furnished  The whole building to the completed with the exception of painting and plastering in a substantive and workmanlike manner by the 20th day of May 1869.

In consideration whereof the party of the first part does covenant with the said party of the second part his executors administrators and assigns, well and truly to pay unto the said party of the second part his executors administrators and assigns the sum of twenty two hundred dollars lawful money in manner following, viz;-

Five hundred dollars as the material for the building is purchased and delivered upon the ground selected for the site — said money to be paid upon the certificate of J H Burdick, A.L. Morgan and John Moore on any two of the same, that said material is at hand and of suitable quality for the building. The remaining seventeen hundred dollars to be paid upon the completion of the building at the time and upon the conditions, herein specified, and the certificate of said J.H. Burdick A L Morgan & John Moore, or any two of the same, that the building is completed in accordance with this contract

In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 31st day of March A.D. 1869

D.F. Richards
Q.F. Ingersoll

Henry M Bush
Asst. Supt. of Schools B R F & A L {LS}
State of Ala. {LS}

A J Bragg