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State of Alabama
Montgomery County

Know all men that Mr Reuben H. Brown and Mary J. Brown wife of said Reuben, both of said county, for and in consideration of one dollar to us paid by the parties hereinafter named, and for the purpose of establishing a school for the instruction of colored persons of the vicinity, Have Granted Bargained and sold, and do hereby Give Grant Bargain sell and convey unto Wager Swayne assistant commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands for the State of Alabama and to his successors in the said office, and Willard Warner and as Trustees their heirs and successors, the following described tract or lot of land lying and being in said county to wit a square of seventy yards in the north east corner of the south west quarter, of the south west quarter, of the section eight Township Seventeen Range Twenty bounded on the east by the road