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I want a subscription () for myself () for a friend

Start with () current issue (delivered 3-5 weeks) () next issue

One-year subscription (4 issues)
() US $32 () Canada $38 () Western Europe $40 () Elsewhere $50

Two-year subscription (8 issues)
() US $60 () Canada $72 () Western Europe $76 () Elsewhere $96

My Name __________
Address __________

Email (never ever shared) ___________

Gift recipient (if applicable) __________
Address __________

Email (not shared either) ___________

I'd like to pay in the following manner (Cabinet does not have "Bill Me!")
() Check to "Cabinet" enclosed (in USD drawn on a US bank)
() Visa () MC () AmEx () Discover

Credit card no. __________ Exp. __/___
Name on card __________
Billing address __________________

For faster service Please place order online:
Send this card to Cabinet 181 Wyckoff Street Brooklyn NY 11217 USA
tel +1 718 222 8434
fax +1 718 222 3700

[[image - skeleton on their knees praying]]

Cabinet 181 Wyckoff Street Brooklyn NY 11217 USA
tel +1 718 222 8434 fax +1 718 222 3700

[[image - Cabinet logo, a shield with a fox and hedgehog, and a ribbon with "SAPERE ADVE"]]