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Gmail - Show at Cabinet 12/3/09 3:06 PM
[[Image: GMail Logo]] jamie Davidovich 
Show at Cabinet
2 messages
Jaime Davidovich     Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 3:21 PM

Hello Sina

This is a summary of our conversation about the show of my work at the Cabinet Gallery

I will prepare
1. Collection of 35 mm slides for scanning and possibly print on canvas
2. Collection of Black and White analog black and white photographs
3. 5 DVDs of complete Live Shows circa 1980-1984
4. Collection of products sold the the Video Shop segment of the Live! Show
5. Around 50 original buttons from the Live! Show
6. CD containing HD scanning of some pictures from the show
7. Folder with copies of articles and other biblio

You will prepare
1. Canvas with a small image printed to see the quality
2. An old analog TV set and a DVD player
3. pedestal or small table to place the TV
4. prints 48" wide for hanging (at least 4 pieces) These prints will be hang on grommets
5. Bookcases with adjustable shelves for the products, 48" wide ( if possible) These bookcase will be covered by a sheet of plexiglass
6. The walls around the space  will be painted yellow. Color swash to follow
7. Old couch from Material fom the Arts, Salvation Army or other sources

I will prepare everything in October

I am very excited about the show.

Thank you very much for the opportunity to show The Live! Show circa 1978-1984

Let me know when you return to NY

Bon vogage

Jaime Davidovich

Sina Najafi          Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 3:31 PM

Thanks, Jaime. That all sounds great.

We will go to press next week and I think it'd be nice to have a small card printed for the show at the same time. Do you have 1-2 images you can send me, preferably horizontal, that is 300dpi at 8 inches wide?
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