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Dear Friend,
The Artists Television Network is researching the possible development of a cable network of arts centers in SoHo. This would allow the transmission of arts programs (as well as other kinds of programs) directly into the cable television system from this area. Your answers to the following questions will help us gauge community support for this project. 

1. How many households in your building?                                   _____
2. Do you:                                   Own _____   Rent _____   Coop _____
3. Do you reside in a loft?                                Yes _____    No _____
4. How many persons in your household?                                     _____

5. Do you have a television set in working order in your home?             _____
6. Do you receive cable television?                        Yes _____    No _____
7. How many hours of television do you watch a week?       0-5 _____ 16-20 _____
                                                          6-10 _____ 21-30 _____
                                                         11-15 _____ 31+   _____
8. When do you watch television the most?    Morning _____      Prime Time _____
                                           Afternoon _____    Late Evening _____
                                       Early Evening _____
9. What are your favorite programs?  ___________________________________________
10. Would you like to see an arts channel?                 Yes _____    No _____

11. What is your occupation?  Primary _______________  Secondary _______________
12. If an artist:
       What is your particular art form? _______________________________________
       Are you a certified A.I.R.?                         Yes _____    No _____
       Could you use television to communicate your work?  Yes _____    No _____
       Have you ever used television in this manner?       Yes _____    No _____
         If yes, how? __________________________________________________________
13. Which local arts centers have you ever attended (A) or exhibited at (E?)
    (Answer "A", "E", or both)
    The Kitchen                  _____     Byrd-Hoffman Foundation         _____
    Anthology Film Archives      _____     Association for Ind. Video &
    Global Village Video Center  _____                       Filmmakers    _____
    3 Mercer St. Store           _____     Open Space                      _____
    SoHo Media Coop              _____     The Performing Garage           _____
    112 Greene St. Workshop      _____     Experimental Intermedia Fdn.    _____
    Ambrose Art Foundation       _____     Grommet Art Theater             _____
    Other  _____________________________________________________________________
15. What is your age range?     20-25  _____     36-40  _____     Over 60  _____
                                26-30  _____     41-50  _____
                                31-35  _____     51-60  _____
16. What is your income range?   Below $5,000  _____     $15,000 - 20,000  _____
                              $5,000 - 10,000  _____      20,000 - 30,000  _____
                              10,000 - 15,000  _____          Over 30,000  _____
17.  Sex:  Male  _____  Female  _____

Are you willing to be interviewed and videotaped in person? If so please write your name and address in the following space: _______________________________________________________________