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[[image - photograph, Photo by Harry Shunk]]
Designer Robert Kushner models one of his outfits from SoHo Television's "One Size Fits All." 

Other notables who will be appearing during the series' tenure include composer John Cage, video artist Nam June Paik and playwright-director Richard Foreman. Some interesting show titles include "The Prairie Oysters," "The Rise and Fall of the Peanut Party" and "The Children's Tapes." A particularly unusual segment was taped on location in Arizona with the Navaho Indians. Entitled "Video Girls and Video Songs for Navaho Indians," it is an offbeat look at the songs and activities of the peaceful tribe. 

How's your perspective on reality? Make it bend a bit in the changing winds of the avant-garde by tuning in SoHo Television this Monday night. Butbe farwarned. An open mind must precede a raised consciousness or a soaring imagination. 

[[image - photograph, TV WORLD PHOTO By MARK J. GROSSMAN]]
Steve Lawrence, Jaime Davidovich and Ingrid Wiegand guide the destinies of SoHo Television.