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A completed application consists of this form with the front and back pages filled in, together with two copies each of three separate supplementary statements (preferably typed):

1. A brief narrative account of your career, describing your previous accomplishments. This account should include mention of prizes, honors, and postdoctoral (or equivalent) grants or fellowships that you have held or now hold, showing the grantor and the inclusive dates of each award. 

2. A list of:
Publications, if you are a scholar, scientist, or writer.
Give exact titles, names of publishers, and dates and places of publication. If titles of journals are abbreviated, please provide an explanation of the abbreviations. Playwrights should also include a list of productions. 

Exhibitions, if you are an artist.
Include a chronological list of shows, citing dates and places, and a list of collections in which your work is represented. Forthcoming shows should also be mentioned. 

Compositions, if you are a composer. 
Include a chronological list of compositions, citing titles and dates; a list of your published compositions, citing the names of publishers and the dates of publication; and a list of recordings. First public performances should also be listed, giving names of performers and dates.

Films or Videotapes, if you are a film or video maker.
Include a chronological list of your works, citing titles and dates of completion, and dates and places of major public showings of each. 

3. A statement of plans for the period for which the Fellowship is requested. 
Applicants in science or scholarship should provide a detailed, but concise, plan of research, not exceeding three single-spaced pages in length. 
Applicants in the arts should submit a brief statement of plans in general terms, not exceeding three single-spaced pages in length. 
In making our inquiries on your behalf, we send each person you name as reference only a copy of your plan. Hence the statement of plans you submit must be self-contained.

Do not add to these supplementary statements any title pages, attachments, or appendixes. Your name should appear on every sheet you submit. Type only on one side of each sheet. 

Submit your supplementary statements in the form of two sets, each set consisting of one copy of each of the three statements required, in the order listed above. Staple each set in the upper left hand corner. 

Fill out the enclosed four labels with your own name and preferred address, leave them attached to the backing paper, and enclose them with your application.  


Applicants not directly covered in the above categories should follow the procedure outlined for the category closest to their own. 

Applicants in the arts should submit examples of their work, as described on the following page.

Applicants in science and scholarship should not submit examples of their work.