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"Americas", Monasterio de Santa Clara, Moguer (Huelva) (Catalogue) 
"Uncommon Ground", College Art Gallery, SUNY New Paltz, New York (Catalogue)
"Democracy in Communication", International Media Resource Exchange (Catalogue)

1991 "Force/Farces", Exit Art, New York

1990 "Jaime Davidovich - Contexto Transcultural Video-Instalaciones", ICI de Buenos Aires, Argentina
"Ideas and Images from Argentina", The Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York
"Video Arte Internacional", Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Asociacion Argentina de Criticos de Arte, Instituto de Cooperacion Ibero Americana, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Catalogue) 
"Image World: Metamedia", Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
"The Decade Show - Framework of Identity in the 1980's", Museum of Contemporary Hispanic Art; The New Museum in Contemporary Art; The Studio Museum in Harlem, New York (Catalogue)

1989-90 "The Live! Show Retrospective", American Museum of the Moving Image, New York (Catalogue)
"The Latin American Spirit: Art and Artist in the United States, 1920-1970", The Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York (Catalogue)

1989 "Image World - Art and Media Culture", Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (Catalogue)
"Pervasive Symbiosis - Ten Argentine-New York Artists", La Agencia, New York

1988 "Jaime Davidovich", Diane Brown Gallery, New York (Catalogue)
"Crossing Over: Video, Criticism, Theory", The Corroboree + Multimedia Studios, School of Art and Art History, The University of Iowa, Iowa City
"1988 National Latino Film and Video Festival", El Museo del Barrio, New York
"San Antonio Film and Video Festival", San Antonio

1986 "Television's Impact on Contemporary Art", The Queens Museum, New York
"Artists' Television Project", The University of Iowa, Iowa City 
"Transcultural/Transmedia", Exit Art, New York
"Computer Culture Days Linz", ORF - Videonale/New Images for a New Age, ARS Electronica, Austria

1985 "Artist Talk Back to the Media", Holland
"Utah Arts Festival 1985", Triad Center, Salt Lake City, Utah (Catalogue) 
"Famous for 30 Seconds - Artists in the Media", Artists Space, 

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