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Around 30 years ago I applied to the Guggenheim grant.  My proposal was to develop programs for public access television.  At that time I had a weekly [[strikethrough]] variety [[/strikethrough]] show. Cable cast on New City Public Access channel.

I felt at that time that artists should explore the medium of television and develop work accordingly.  As a member of the New York video avant garde I was very interested in this media. [[strikethrough]] Now 30 yea [[/strikethrough]] I was not awarded the grant.  

Now 30 years later my proposal refers to the use of [[strikethrough]] tele [[/strikethrough]] digitized media and the lack of personal gesture that was so important on the beginning of video as art.  Now You Tube is Public Access on steroids and the artists remained on the side line.

My proposal consisted in the [[strikethrough]] projection [[/strikethrough]] production of a series of video projection where the gesture and personal involvement is paramount. These [[strikethrough]] production [[/strikethrough]] videos will be projected and specially prepared walls.  This preparation consist of personal gestures (brush strokes) By using this personal element the work becomes [[tridented?]] unique and embedded in the history art.  Art through the ages is the personal view of artists and this age of digital imaginery and easy access to the technology