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The popular accoutrements also help to differentiate artists' television from video art, which was neither created for nor requires a television context; which is often exhibited in a museum and gallery context and is best evaluated within the aesthetic framework of art -- more so than television -- history. Issues associated with this implicit contrast concern uniqueness, preciosity (both economic and aesthetic), and the individual as sole creator -- versus -- the serious format, the timely, topical and ephermeral, and the collaborative project.

This installation and The Live! Show tape should suggest that are and television are not irreconcilable. Rather, their territories can successfully be integrated in as yet unexplored ways, the more so as audience definitions and expectations become less rigid.

The Installation
A monitor on a custom built wooden case will be placed close to the rear wall, and centered. A half hour of selections from The Live! Show will run continuously. Flanking this monitor will be two plexiglas and wood cases displaying some of the artifacts featured on the tape. These two cases will have spotlights directed on them.