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|of Merle Ginsberg
After Merle call Dr. Videovich will talk about the Avant Garde several segments we interview people from the Art World Etc
Lets go to the tape with Marcia Tucker| 5:00 | 5:20|
|Tape 2  Tape Marcia Tucker| 11:36| 17:00|
|Back to live studio sign Dr. Videovich
Telephones lines will be open
People will call asking questions about the Aavant Garde or have problems with television
Dr. Videovich will call corresponadant in Los Angeles
After the call Dr Videovich will sell products like D Winky Dink the first person who calls will receive the set for $9.95
Operator standing by to receive the call and also to get information about the person address viewer who buys have to send a chech or money order to CG live show CO Soho TV Etc Etc| 3:00 | 20:00|
|Tape 3 Tape Commercial| :60| 21.00|