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TV IS OK Productions

Dear Jaimie, 

So? What's new?  I've got this WHAT IS BUSINESS? tape for are not in it...I've got to warn you...not because I don't like you...but because the quality was soft and you WERE GREAT...but you really need your own show...JAIMIE'S ADVICE.

The tape needs a little fine tuning but I figured you could view it and maybe even showit without.  You realize A.T.V oops, A.T.N. has been paying my electric and gas bill for the last many months and I blessed you everyday when I use my stove to boil water or turn on the TV.  You know it.

I am not a business woman ev en today...couldn't get the get up.  But big photo show is done and out and now this is complete so I have a big blank check in my book ready for action.  Plan on coming to your town around October there or be [[strikethrough]]ea[[/strikethrough]] square...Looking forward to seeing your face.  Maybe I'll be in a suit for our visit..I have a feeling you'd kick me out otherwise. (?)

Went to Hawaii for a few weeks and really miss it.  My brain turned to mush and I turned brown and loose.  I won't go on.

What's going on on your end?  Anything develop with Disneyworld?  That's the last I saw of you.  Been on any good panels lately?  An Jaimie, where's the money these days?  Are you truly commercial yet.  I mean TRULY?
2238 WALNUT AVENUE/VENICE, CALIFORNIA 90291/(213)398.1894.(213)470-2933