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Subj: september
Date: 9/2/2005 4:31:09 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Hi Owen,
Hope your summer was adventurous and that you had a chance to rest or at least change the pace of things.

Back in the city, I managed to set up my new studio and started to work. Still hot here but already the feel of september.

Met with Jaime today, who is also back in town: we had a chance to catch up with what happened in Vienna (for me) and Rome (for Jaime) and also discussed briefly the imax project that the three of us talked about in Syracuse. 

We both agreed that we would need more information, sooner rather than later, about what could really happen - from your side: (budget, scope, technical assistance etc)
Jaime's schedule for the next year is already getting packed, and he would need to balance his time and involvement with various projects.

I am putting last touches on a movie I made at the Vienna residency, smoothing things out - assigning a soundtrack:
which means soon I will be starting a new one - and it depends a bit on what we learn from you, about the reality of the imax venture, how my new project would shape up - at least in the technical terms.

When you settle, and deal with the immediate issues that I am sure are waiting for you at the beginning of the school year, 
could you let us know what your thoughts are on this. . .
All information appreciated, more details the better.

My new studio address and contact #:

Elka Krajewska Studio
103 Reade Street #2
New York, NY 10013

Mobile: 646 3099636

All my best to you and Christine!

cc: Jaime

Friday, September 02,2005 America Online:JDAVID9293