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Subj: here it is
Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 9:44:02 AM

Artist's Statement

When I applied to the artist-in-residency program (World Views) of the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, I states "the opportunity to work in the World Trade Center would give me access to a very important location. I will be using images from the WTC environment, together with my personal pictorial vision, enabling me to produce a whole new series of 'video paintings.'"

Recent events have dramatically altered the context and the meaning of my World Trade Center video paintings. The landscapes I captured now exist only in our collective memory, and are imbued with anger, sadness, and a range of other complex emotions. My video rear projection work captures the views from m WTC studio, bringing to the present the reality of the past. The buildings, and the tragedy they now invoke, were enormous, but my pieces exist on a human-sized scales, making them more accessible to the viewer.

The opening of the wall covered with vellum paper serves as a translucent barrier between the technology and the visual presentation, the anonymous viewer and the producer of images. A confessional, of sorts. My work deals with scale, juxtapositions, metaphors and concrete materials. The WTC was a place where all the elements of my work found a common ground. This common ground is my ground zero.

Jaime Davidovich

11/13/01   America Online : JDAVID9293 Page 1